Dungeon Delver Expansion
This project in an expansion of "Dungeon Delver," a project created by Professor Jeremy Bond in his book, "Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development." This expansion adds new enemies, new weapons, and a new level to demonstrate these.
This project was done as a final project for my class with Professor Bond, alongside Suraj Karthikeyan as a partner. We added bats, knights and moving spikes as enemies, a stun effect to use for new items, bombs, a hammer with shockwaves, a boomerang, a new UI, and then crystal switches and bombable tiles to use for puzzle creation in levels. We also made two levels, a test level to make sure everything was working, and a final "Umbrella" level to use in our final presentation of the game.
I specifically handled all programming of the stun effect, boomerang, all new enemies incorporated, crystal switches, and bombable tiles. I also built the test level and the Umbrella Level using Bond's "Dungeon Delver Editor" application he uses for his Level Design class.
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